Cannazon, a Dark Web Marketplace, Shuts Down Due to a Large DDoS Attack

Cannazon, a Dark Web Marketplace, Shuts Down Due to a Large DDoS Attack

Cannazon, one of the most popular dark web marketplaces for purchasing marijuana items, was forced to close down last week due to a crippling distributed denial of service attack. The market’s administrators announced their retirement in a mail signed with its PGP key, claiming that they are not attempting to defraud its merchants. Cannazon, supposedly forever, went down on November 23, 2021, after the admins issued the notice.

At the beginning of the month, the site was subject to a major DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack, which is not unusual for dark web markets. To address the issues, the admins decreased the number of orders and took the market partially offline for a bit, but this has caused a stir in the community, who are fearful of an impending exit scam. The shutdown notice apologizes for the administration’s lack of transparency in handling the matter.

Cannazon’s demise wouldn’t be strange to see other sites emerge with the same name but a different Tor address. These, on the other hand, will almost certainly be run by scammers aiming to trick the members of the original site. When a huge and well-known dark web website goes offline, it’s common for fraudulent clone sites to spring up.

If you believe that buying cannabis on the dark web is a simple method to get over your country’s drug regulations while keeping anonymous using VPNs or Tor, you’re missing out on many dangers.

First, the majority of these platforms, such as Cannazon and CannaHome, are membership-based. It means all users give out some crumbs of information during registration. Buyers might be identified if their servers end up in the hands of the law.

Second, even in marketplaces where administrators claim high levels of trade security, the risks of being scammed when placing an order are always significant.

Third, any medications sent to you might be tainted with harmful hazardous ingredients or be altogether different from what you expected to pay for. Thus, ingesting them might put your health in danger.

Finally, buying drugs via the internet is prohibited in many countries and can result in penalties and even jail time.

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