CyberIntelMag's Threat report

Weekly Cyber Threat Report, March 6 – March 10, 2023

Welcome to CyberIntelMag’s weekly roundup! A place where you can find the most important stories in the cybersecurity world from the past week.

The Good News

This week’s good news includes Wago PLCs receiving updates for severe weaknesses exploited by hackers, March 2023 updates of Android addressing more than 50 flaws, SANS and Google establishing an academy to promote cloud security and workforce diversity, Netwire RAT malware infrastructure being seized by the police, and much more.


The Bad News

This week’s bad news includes FiXS ATM malware attacking Mexican banks, malware being distributed through old Windows Mock Folders, hackers stealing several GB of corporate and employee data, Sys01 Stealer malware targeting government employees, a weakness in Toyota Management Platform revealing customer data, unfixed SonicWall devices being the target of purported Chinese cyber spies, UNC2970 North Korean hackers increasing activity with new malware, and much more.

spear-phishing effort targeting U.S. and European media and technology firms was discovered to use previously unidentified malware families. This activity has been carried out by a North Korean espionage gang known as UNC2970 since June 2022.

About the author

Yehudah Sunshine

Yehudah Sunshine

Bringing together his diverse professional cyber know-how, intellectual fascination with history and culture, and eclectic academic background focusing on diplomacy and the cultures of Central Asia, Yehudah Sunshine keenly blends his deep understanding of the global tech ecosystem with a nuanced worldview of the underlying socio-economic and political forces which drive policy and impact innovation in the cyber sectors. Yehudah's current work focuses on how to create and or opportunities enhance marketing strategies and elevate cyber driven thought leadership for cyfluencer (www.cyfluencer .com), the cybersecurity thought leadership platform. Sunshine has written and researched extensively within cybersecurity, the service sectors, international criminal accountability, Israel's economy, Israeli diplomatic inroads, Israeli innovation and technology, and Chinese economic policy.
